3 Reasons Why Justin Bieber’s Purpose Deserves The Album Of the Year Grammy?

November 7, 2016



The Grammy’s are right around the corner and that means many people have already started making their predictions for who the lucky winners will be. With a whole year’s worth of music behind us, it’s time to reflect on which artists, albums and songs are strong contenders for the biggest prizes in the music industry.

One of the most coveted awards by mainstream artists is the Album of the Year Grammy Award. Now, you’d better brace yourself because the next sentence may knock you off your feet: Justin Bieber’s album Purpose is the album that deserves to win the Album of the Year, according to us. Now, before you rush off to grab your pitchforks, hear us out: here are a few very convincing reasons why Purpose is the strongest contender for the coveted award.

About the Album of the Year Grammy Award

The Album of the Year Grammy Award is an annual award presented by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences of the United States (now known as the Recording Academy). According to their website, the award is given in order to “honor artistic achievement, technical proficiency and overall excellence in the recording industry, without regard to album sales or chart position.”

Since it was first presented in 1959, this has been considered the most prestigious award that an artist can win at the Grammy’s. When the award was first introduced, it was presented solely to the artist. Today the award is presented to not only the main artist, but also to any featured artists on the record, the producers, mixer, engineers, etc.

Why Should ‘Purpose’ by Justin Bieber Win this Award?

In order to be able to see why Justin Bieber’s Purpose is the most deserving album for the Album of the Year Grammy Award, you’ll have to inhibit the preconceived notions quite a few people have about Bieber. For many people, any mention of Justin Bieber conjures up very specific images; he is effectively put into a box. But Bieber has proven with his latest effort that he is a serious contender for the top award in the music industry. Purpose is not only an incredibly successful album; it showcases the creative and emotional growth of an artist. It’s also an album which boasts a sound that perfectly embodies the trends of pop radio over the past year.

Here’s an in-depth look at why Purpose should be the Album of the Year.

‘Purpose’ is Successful in Many Different Ways

The Album of the Year Grammy Award is given out on behalf of the recording industry in order to recognize excellence in the music business. Excellence is an umbrella term which encompasses many characteristics, including success.

Critics may argue that Drake’s Views, Adele’s 25, or Beyonce’s Lemonade boast more album sales in 2016, and are therefore stronger contenders for the awards. However, it’s worth remembering that the Recording Academy has stated that album sales or overall chart positions aren’t factors that influence who receives the award.

If we do look at charting history though, Purpose is an album which was released in November of 2015 and has stayed in the upper periphery of charts for well over a year. The album has enjoyed a greater deal of long term success than the other contenders.

Each Song is a Massive Hit

Purpose is a showcasing of Justin Bieber’s immense talent as an artist. Before you roll your eyes, consider a few things. Each of the thirteen songs on Purpose illustrates that Bieber is keenly aware of the direction pop music is heading in; each track features a plethora of musical styles and elements which offer a wide range of listeners something to latch on to. This explains why this album helped him expand his fan base to include even those who claimed to be staunch Bieber haters.

The fact that he included such a wide range of elements on this album including R&B, dancehall, folk, EDM, and more, all but ensured that each track would do phenomenally on the charts. This is evidenced by the fact that each of his singles “Sorry“, “Love Yourself” and “What Do You Mean?” soared to the top of the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

This ability shows that Bieber clearly understands what goes into making a whole album of hit songs.

The Recognition of the Growth of an Artist

Oftentimes, it’s easy to lump an artist into a box but this prevents you from recognizing any growth on their part.

For many people, any mention of Justin Bieber reminds them of the young teen idol with blonde bangs hiding half of his face. But like many other young artists before him, Justin Bieber has grown as a musician and this growth should be recognized. Justin Timberlake also started out as a member of a wildly popular teen boy band, but eventually branched off on his own and created dynamic, wildly popular music. Justin Bieber should be given more than just the benefit of the doubt; Purpose clearly showcases his skill and potential as an artist.

If we look back at the grading rubric for the award, the Recording Academy looks for ‘… artistic achievement, technical proficiency and overall excellence in the recording industry…’

Purpose checks all these boxes. The album as a whole is a testament to not only Justin Bieber’s artistic achievement but also his artistic growth. The album has been described by critics as a giant apology letter conveyed through music. The level of introspection and humility evident on the album are proof of the emotional growth of an artist willing to lay bare his struggles in the hope of moving forward.

In terms of technical proficiency, Purpose is leaps and bounds ahead of Bieber’s previous works. He incorporates numerous elements to his new sound with the help of producer Skrillex. Each and every one of the factors discussed above play a crucial part in making Purpose an ‘overall excellence in the recording industry’.

If you objectively look at all the arguments in favor of Purpose winning Album of the Year at the Grammy’s you’ll realize that there is only one serious contender for the top award in the music industry. Purpose is Justin Bieber at his finest.


Justin Bieber’s Billboard Hits

[embed width=480]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRh_vgS2dFE[/embed]
Sorry (PURPOSE : The Movement)

[embed width=480]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyEuk8j8imI[/embed]
 Love Yourself (PURPOSE : The Movement)

[embed width=480]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DK_0jXPuIr0[/embed]
What Do You Mean? (PURPOSE : The Movement)


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