Seahawks ignore the scandal concerning the Patriots, all focus on the final
The Seattle Seahawks reached Arizona on Sunday and held a press conference to shed light on their views regarding the Super Bowl, their opponents and DeflateGate. Seahawks’ quarterback Russell Wilson kicked things off, but side stepped questions regarding DeflateGate. He said the team was more focused on playing football and were not focusing on the story.
Wilson also dismissed the idea that the extensive media scrutiny and backlash that the Patriots were facing would give them extra motivation to win on Sunday. He claimed that getting to the Super Bowl was all the motivation any player needed.
Seahawks’ Coach Pete Carroll mostly echoed his quarterback and said the Seahawks were only interested in the football game and did not want to concern themselves with the scandal. He did say though that the Patriots were handling the situation in the best way possible.
Richard Sherman on the other hand, in typical Sherman style, hit a parting shot that was akin to lighting a fuse. When he was asked if he thought New England would be punished for DefalteGate, the cornerback answered, “Probably not. Not as long as (Patriots owner) Robert Kraft and (NFL commisioner) Roger Goodell are taking pictures at their respective homes … talk about conflict of interest.”
This parting shot leaves things delicately poised for the Super Bowl on Sunday.