8 Things to Do and Not to Do At a Concert

October 9, 2018

Things to do and not to do at a concert
Attending a concert is a great way to spend some quality time with people close to you. Plus, watching your favorite band or artist play live brings the kind of excitement which cannot be experienced anywhere else. Before going to a concert, there are certain you need to know. So, to ensure that you enjoy the show with complete peace mind here are 8 things to do and not to do at a concert.

8 Things To Do

You have received the tickets to the show and are all ready to have the time of your life. To make sure that you have uninterrupted fun at the show, have a look at these 8 things to do at a concert.

Arrive Early

It is better to arrive at the venue early if you want to avoid the hassle of standing in long queues. Moreover, arriving well before the scheduled time of the show means there is a chance you will find a perfect spot closer to the stage. So, make sure to wear comfortable clothes as they will come in handy when you make a dash for the front rows when the gate opens.

Create Some Space

It is normal to see the concert venue crowded with people clinging on to one another so, it is really important to have some breathing space. It is best if you stand tall and wide so that you are not suffocated by the people around you. Also, if you are being pushed by someone then ask them politely not to and if they still continue, then consider talking to the authorities about it.

Take Some Pictures

While at the concert, you should try and make some memories by taking lots of pictures. So, take out your smartphones and have fun clicking pictures with your friends. If possible, you can also take some pictures of the band and artist while they are performing on stage.

Stay Hydrated

Since concerts normally last for multiple hours, it is best if you carry a water bottle with you in order to stay hydrated. If you don’t do it then there is a chance that you might pass out amongst thousands of people and no one wants that to happen.

Make Friends

You can also make friends at a concert. The people standing around you are there for the artist and that is your common denominator. So, get to know them and acknowledge their presence as this will help you enjoy the show even more. The more the merrier!

Patience Is A Virtue

Please remember that patience is a virtue so, in case you find someone misbehaving, then don’t get involved in a fight but instead ask them to stop politely. If they still don’t listen, then simply call the security and let them take care of the situation.

Show Some Enthusiasm

Don’t be afraid to show some enthusiasm while attending a concert and participate as much as possible. You can dance, sing out with the crowd and just let your hair down. You attend a concert to enjoy yourself. Always remember that you attending the concert to have a good time so, might as well enjoy yourself to the fullest and don’t let anyone stop you from having fun.

Make Sure You Bring Your Contacts

If you have a weak eyesight, then it is always better to wear contacts to a concert than glasses. Since concerts are always crowded, there is a chance that someone might knock your glasses or they might get damaged. Wearing contacts will help you avoid the hassle of looking after your glasses.

8 Things Not To Do

While there are things that you should definitely do at a concert, there are also some that you should avoid doing.

Shoving is not Cool

We get it that you are at a concert of your favorite band and want to get the best view in the house but that doesn’t mean you have to shove others out of the way to find the perfect spot. It is not only rude but may also anger some concertgoers. So, avoid that and enjoy the show.

Don’t Squeeze In

Just because one of your friends got in early, it does not give you any right to squeeze your way through and stand in front of a person who stood there way before you did. This is extremely annoying to many people.

Avoid Texting

There is no point in attending a concert if you are going look down at your phone all the time. There is no point in spending money on a concert ticket and then not even pay attention to what’s going on at the stage. Sure, texting a friend to meet up at the show is fine try not to overdo it.

Yelling At The Band

It is not cool to yell at the band. In fact, it is annoying not just for the band/artist but also for the concertgoers. The lead guitarist of Somebody’s Darling, David Ponder said,

“I just hate it when people yell out little prepared sentences at shows. The little joke you thought up is lame. Always.”

Requesting Songs

Please don’t yell out song requests unless the performer specifically asks for it. The band/artist has already planned out a set-list in order to balance what fans want to hear and what they want to play. They have put a lot of thought and effort into it so, avoid asking them to play your requests.


When the band/artist is on stage performing, then you should just enjoy the performance instead of talking to others. You will get time to chat in between acts but as long as they are playing, try not to communicate.

Standing At The Front If You Are Tall

If you are tall, then try not to stand in the front row as you will only block the view of the people behind you. So, it is better if you let people who are shorter than you take a spot in the front row.


When you are enjoying a concert, please don’t litter and spoil it for everyone else. Also, avoid bringing drinks into the crowd as you may spill it on yourself or someone around you.

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