Super Bowl Sunday – the biggest day in the American sports calendar
With the Super Bowl just around the corner, we thought we would take a look at game day itself, Super Bowl Sunday. The nation comes to a standstill as millions tune in to watch the game live, some from their homes, while others from Super Bowl themed gatherings. Families get together, friends go over to each other’s houses and the streets are more or less deserted; Super Bowl Sunday really is an unofficial national holiday.
Over the years public gatherings, like watching the game from sports bars, have become less popular and people prefer to watch the game at home. There are two reasons for this: firstly, it is more economical to watch the game from home, and secondly, the average size of television screens has increased over the years. Watching at home with your family and your own choice of food is obviously a much more popular choice.
Here are some interesting facts about Super Bowl Sunday to give you an idea about its impact on the country. After Thanksgiving, Super Bowl Sunday is the largest day of food consumption in the US. Over twenty eight million pounds of chips and around a hundred million chicken wings are consumed during the day. Pizza delivery businesses have reported their orders double during the day, since pizzas comprise almost sixty percent of the take outs ordered during the day. Alcohol consumption also increases during the day with police reporting that Super Bowl Sunday witnesses a dramatic rise in drunken driving related incidents. A report compiled by the Auto Club of South California concluded that Super Bowl Sunday saw a 77% increase in alcohol-related crashes causing injury or death. Even the country’s water pressure decreases during the half time break of the Super Bowl as a majority of people go to the washroom in the interval.
Super Bowl Sunday is right around the corner and preparations for the biggest day in the American sports calendar day are already under way. Hopefully you’ve made your plans already. Let us know in the comments below how you plan on spending your Super Bowl Sunday.